Systematic Review of Integration of Local History in History Education in Indonesia Based on Learning Technology

Asyrul Fikri, Almasdi Syahza, Zetra Hainul Putra

The study’s overarching objective is to examine how learning technology is being used to include local history in Indonesian history classrooms. This research employed a meta-analysis based on a systematic review. Technology-based learning is a must in learning history to face globalization in the era of society 5.0. Thus, technology-based learning of local history makes learning history more meaningful, effective, and efficient. Continue…….

Citation: Fikri, A., Syahza, A., Putra, Z.H., (2023). Systematic Review of Integration of Local History in History Education in Indonesia Based on Learning Technology. Al-Ishlah: Jurnal Pendidikan. Volume 15, Number 2.


Peatland Degradation, Timber Plantations, and Land Titles in Sumatra

Kosuke Mizuno, Kazuya Masuda, and Almasdi Syahza

Peatlands in Riau, Sumatra were relatively untouched by development or deforestation until at least the beginning of the 1970s. But today these landscapes are seriously degraded, with fires breaking out almost every year. Why and how has it come to this? This study attempts to make clear the relationships between the establishment of timber plantations, construction of large-scale drainage infrastructure, peatland degradation, in-migration, increasing fire events, and abandonment of peatland. This study…..

Citation: Mizuno, K., Masuda, K., Syahza, A. (2023). Peatland Degradation, Timber Plantations, and Land Titles in Sumatra. In: Mizuno, K., Kozan, O., Gunawan, H. (eds) Vulnerability and Transformation of Indonesian Peatlands. Global Environmental Studies. Springer, Singapore.

Strengthening Riau Province’s Oil Palm Policy Based on Strengthening Local Institutions in Riau Province Bengkalis

Almasdi Syahza, Geovani Meiwanda, Dahlan Tampubolon

Improving sustainable management of oil palm plantations, providing legal certainty, maintaining and protecting environmental sustainability, including reducing greenhouse gas emissions, and increasing the development of oil palm farmers as well as the productivity of oil palm plantations. The policy aspect of considering sustainable development is something that cannot be missed, it must be discussed in an academic text on an oil palm plantation policy.

Citation: Syahza, A., Meiwanda, G., Tampubolon, D., (2023), Strengthening Riau Province’s Oil Palm Policy Based on Strengthening Local Institutions in Riau Province Bengkalis, KnE Social Sciences, 8(5), pages 447–462.

What is the Existing Condition of Palm Oil Plantation Management in Riau Province, Indonesia?

Rino Afrino, Almasdi Syahza

This study aims to describe the management of oil palm plantations in Riau Province using a qualitative method. The Nvivo 12 Plus software was used to analyze the data, which came from the results of interviews with each of the important actors. The results of this study showed that the social and legal aspects of managing oil palm plantations (37.93%), the economic aspects (34.48%), and the ecological aspects (27.59%) were the ones that stood out the most.

Citation: Afrino, A., Syahza, A., (2023), What is the Existing Condition of Palm Oil Plantaumbertion Management in Riau Province, Indonesia?, KnE Social Sciences, Volume 8, Number 5. pages 10–23.

Governance Capacity of Creative Economy of Coastal Communities

Mayarni, Almasdi Syahza, Sofyan H Siregar, Amrul Khoiri, Eka Hariyani, Mimin Sundari Nst, Andri Sulistyani

The results of this study state that governance capacity with indicators of institutional capacity and governance performance. This finding brings the main recommendations to improve the governance of farming communities through self-help partners from various sectors.

Citation: Mayarni, M., Syahza, A., Siregar, S.H., Khoiri, A., Hariyani, E., Sundari, M., Sulistyani, A., (2023), Governance Capacity of Creative Economy of Coastal Communities, KnE Social Sciences, 8(5), pages 291–305.


Pengembangan ternak Ruminansia terintegrasi di Desa Koto Simandolak Kabupaten Kuantan Singingi: Pemanfaatan kotoran ternak untuk biogas dan pupuk organik

Djaimi Backe, Aras Mulyadi, Almasdi Syahza, Zulfan Saam, Adiwirman, Evy Rossi
The Research and Community Services Team of Universitas Riau saw the potential for utilizing livestock manure waste in Koto Simandolak Village. The Team conducts training and assistance in the installation of biogas reactors as well as training and mentoring in the biogas production process using livestock manure. Another output of biogas production is organic fertilizer. The ultimate goal of this service activity is to increase the income of the target community, namely through increasing livestock production, biogas production, and organic fertilizer production.
Citation: Bakce, D., Mulyadi, A., Syahza, A., Saam, Z., Adiwirman, A., Rossi, E. (2021). Pengembangan ternak Ruminansia terintegrasi di Desa Koto Simandolak Kabupaten Kuantan Singingi: Pemanfaatan kotoran ternak untuk biogas dan pupuk organik. Riau Journal of Empowerment, 4(3), 185-190.