Opportunities and Prospect for Tourism Development on Rupat Island, Indonesia

Brilliant Asmit, Almasdi Syahza, Mahdum, RM Riadi

The district of North Rupat in Bengkalis Regency, Indonesia, has special characteristics both in terms of its geography and socioeconomics. The Bengkalis Regency has a very strategic position in international trade in terms of its location and access, which can also provide good prospects for tourism development. This study aims to analyze the development of leading tourist areas to accelerate the economic empowerment of the local communities in the North Rupat district. This research used descriptive analysis, SWOT, and multiplier effects to explain the conditions, opportunities, and impacts of tourism development. The result showed that the North Rupat District has potential objects such as three natural tourism, 1 historical tourism, 3 culture tourism, and 3 culinary tourism. The strategy to develop tourism should involve plans to increase the number of tourists, supporting facilities, and income. Tourism development looks promising because the results of the multiplier effect analysis of the direct and indirect factors show a significant impact on tourism income. This study concluded that marine tourism in North Rupat District has a potential for development because it is an archipelago that has a beach with clean sand and many coastal areas. Tourists visiting the North Rupat District thus contribute to the income of the local community.

Citation: Asmit, B., Syahza, A ., Mahdum, Riadi, RM., (2020). Opportunities and Prospect for Tourism Development on Rupat Island, Indonesia. Folia Geographica, Volume 62 Nomer 2, pages 133-148. http://www.foliageographica.sk/unipo/journals/2020-62-2/572