Restorasi ekologi lahan gambut berbasis kelompok masyarakat mandiri melalui revegetasi di Desa Tanjung Leban Kabupaten Bengkalis, Riau

Almasdi Syahza, Osamu Kozan, Sigit Sutikno, Mitri Irianti, Kei Mizuno, Michiko Hosobuchi

Restorasi ekologi lahan gambut bermuara pada kerusakan ekosistem lahan gambut yang disebabkan oleh aktivitas manusia baik disengaja maupun tidak. Akibat dari kerusakan tersebut menimbulkan berbagai macam masalah seperti kebakaran lahan. Di Desa Tanjung Leban merupakan salah satu desa dengan tingkat kebakaran cukup tinggi terutama pada tahun 2012, 2013, dan 2015. Banyak lahan bekas terbakar dibiarkan menjadi lahan tidur yang pada akhirnya menjadi areal yang rawan kebakaran karena kurangnya kontrol terhadap lahan tersebut. Menyikapi hal tersebut maka perlu dilakukan kegiatan restorasi ekologi lahan gambut di Desa Tanjung Leban melalui kegiatan revegetasi. Pelaksanaan kegiatan dengan motode pendampingan melalui fasilitator desa yang ditempatkan di Desa Tanjung Leban.

Citation: Syahza, A., O. Kozan., S. Sutikno., M. Irianti., K. Mizuno., M. Hosobuchi. (2021). Restorasi ekologi lahan gambut berbasis kelompok masyarakat mandiri melalui revegetasi di Desa Tanjung Leban Kabupaten Bengkalis, Riau. Riau Journal of Empowerment, 4(2), 69-81. 81

Development of Superior Plantation Commodities Based on Sustainable Development

Almasdi Syahza, Djaimi Bakce, Mitri Irianti, Brilliant Asmit, Besri Nasrul

Riau is an Indonesian province known for its large plantations. The plantation business makes the most significant contribution to the fiscal revenues of the province. This paper aims to innovate the rural economy through the sustainable development of superior commodities in the plantation sub-sector of agriculture. Specifically, multi-criteria analysis (MCA) was performed to determine the superior commodities in each locality. The results show that the superior commodities include palm oil, rubber, coconut, cocoa, coffee, and sago. The development of these commodities could boost farmers’ income with the added value of plantation products. On this basis, the fair use of land for all categories was highlighted from social, economic, and environmental perspectives, and recognized as essential to the development of sustainable plantations, which are integral to the rural economy and land sustainability. The proposed development strategy for superior commodities in plantations is in line with the sustainable development goals (SDGs) in Riau Province, Indonesia.

Citation: Syahza, A., Bakce, D., Irianti, M., Asmit, B., Nasrul, B., (2021). Development of Superior Plantation Commodities Based on Sustainable DevelopmentInternational Journal of Sustainable Development and PlanningVol 16, No. 4, pp. 683-692. 

Financial Literacy of Bidikmisi Scholarship Recipient Students

Romi Kurniadi, Suarman, Almasdi Syahza

This study aims to analyze the level of financial literacy of Bidikmisi scholarship recipients in the Teacher Training and Education Faculty of the University of Riau. This study involved 178 students as samples taken from a population of 630 students using the Cochran sampling technique

Citation: Kurniadi, R., Suarman, S., Syahza, A., (2019). Financial Literacy of Bidikmisi Scholarship Recipient Students. Journal of Educational Sciences, Volume 3, Number. 3, pages 292-302.

Islamic School Education Service Marketing Strategy

Wiwit Wahyuni, Almasdi Syahza, Dudung Burhanuddin

This study aims to obtain the strategy for education services marketing by applying the 7Ps concept (product, price, promotion, place, people, process, and physical evidence) of the educational services marketing mix in the Integrated Islamic Senior High School.

Citation:  Wahyuni, W., Syahza, A., Burhanuddin, D., (2021). Islamic School Education Service Marketing Strategy. Journal of Southwest Jiaotong University, Volume 56, Number 2, pages 419-429.

Small-scale agricultural product marketing innovation through BUMDes and MSMEs empowerment in coastal areas

Almasdi Syahza, Enni Savitri, Brilliant Asmit, and Geovani Meiwanda

A region’s economic growth depends on the development policies based on the wealth determined from the potential of human, institutional and local resources. Furthermore, tThe development needs to link primary sectors with future processing to increase agricultural products’ added value and marketing competitiveness. This study develops an innovative marketing model in agricultural products for small-scale farmers through village-owned enterprises (BUMDes) and micro, small, and medium enterprises (MSMEs) empowerment in coastal areas. One way of realizing this program is by building agribusiness and agro-industry partnerships that are well-planned and associated with other economic sectors’ development. The partnership involves community economic institutions, including BUMDes, credit institutions, farmer entrepreneurs, as well as Micro, Small, and Medium Enterprises. BUMDes is a rural-based business with a legal entity managed by the village government to create added value for the community’s agricultural products. Together with MSMEs, these businesses need to support the agribusiness subsystem’s development, including trading in agricultural production facilities and business activities. Furthermore, they need to promote agricultural production, support services, a source of market information for rural communities, the main actors of appropriate technology for agricultural products.

Citation: Syahza, A., Savitrib, E., Asmitc, B., Meiwanda, G., (2021). Small-scale agricultural product marketing innovation through BUMDes and MSMEs empowerment in coastal areas, Management Science Letters, Volume 11 Number 8, pages 2291–2300.

Can innovation mediate the effect of adaptability, entrepreneurial orientation on business performance?

Enni Savitria, Emrinaldi Nur DP, and Almasdi Syahza

Business performance is one of the entrepreneurial behavior benchmarks. Small, and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) are required to have dynamic capabilities and strategies that can seize opportunities and improve the market. The aim of this paper is to analyze the effect of adaptability and entrepreneurial orientation on business performance through innovation as mediation. Based on interviews and questionnaires distributed to 115 SMEs in coastal areas. The research results show that adaptability and entrepreneurial orientation have effects on innovation. Adaptability and entrepreneurial orientation have no effects on business performance. Innovation has effects on business performance. Adaptability and entrepreneurial orientation have effects on business performance through innovation as mediation. This study enriches the current literature by providing a contribution and insights to understanding how Resources Based View (RBV) theory affects business performance and innovation on SMEs in coastal areas in Indonesia. The implications of this study on entrepreneurship orientation in SMEs will help to increase resources for innovation. This emphasizes how the RBV approach used in this research helps improve business efficiency by leveraging existing capital in microbusinesses into a source of excellence. The government is working on policies to enhance the efficiency of SMEs in Indonesia.

Citation: Savitria, E.,  Nur DP, E., Syahza, A., (2021). Can innovation mediate the effect of adaptability, entrepreneurial orientation on business performance? Management Science Letters, Volume 11 Number 8, pages 2301-2312.