Community-Based Mangrove Forest Management as Ecosystem Services Provider for Reducing CO2 Emissions with Carbon Credit System in Bengkalis District, Riau, Indonesia

Nawari, Almasdi Syahza, Yusni Ikhwan Siregar

Implementing community-based mangrove forest management (CBMFM) with a carbon credit system is a potential way to reduce the degradation. This management model is also in line to support the achievement of sustainable development goals (SDGs). The analysis results showed that the current management was yet optimal, due to the lack of sustainable management dimensional practices, including human, natural, and financial resources. The strategy to reduce the current management gap is as follows: (1) Increasing the capacity of human resources for managers and institutions; (2) Application of collaborative management; (3) Accountable budgeting; (4) Preparation of an integrated management plan; and (5) Technology management.

Citation: Nawari, N., Syahza, A., Siregar, Y.I., (2021). Community-Based Mangrove Forest Management as Ecosystem Services Provider for Reducing CO2 Emissions with Carbon Credit System in Bengkalis District, Riau, Indonesia. Journal of Physics: Conference Series. Volume 2049, Number 012074. 10.1088/1742-6596/2049/1/012074