Implementation of Silage and Biogas Product by Empowerment Village Society in Rokan Hulu Regency, Riau Province

Nur Azlina, Edi Erwan, Anwar Efendi Harahap, Desmiyawati, and Almasdi Syahza

The aim of the present empowerment study was to utilize and process palm fronds with silage technology as cattle feed and cattle feces as biogas. The service method was the Participatory Action Research and the development of practical knowledge in understanding the social, economic, cultural, and environmental conditions of society. The results showed that palm frond silage could be used as ruminant feed due to its smooth texture and low pH. Additionally, biogas with a capacity of 6 m3 can be produced from cattle with a maximum number of 5-6 cattle. The conclusion of this public service is that by utilizing palm fronds in the ration can be used cattle feed. As well as cattle feces can be used biogas to reduce people’s living costs especially for ration feed and gas.

Citation: Azlina N., Erwan, E., Harahap, A, E., Maulida, Y., Desmiyawati., Fati, D, N., and Syahza, A. (2021). Implementation of Silage and Biogas Product by Empowerment Village Society in Rokan Hulu Regency, Riau Province. Review of International Geographical Education (RIGEO), 11(5), 5038-5046.

The market value of equity of manufacturing companies during the COVID-19 pandemic. Investment Management and Financial Innovations

Enni Savitri, Tatang Ary Gumanti, Almasdi Syahza, and Nik Herda Nik Abdullah

The market value of a public company reflects the expectations of investors. It is influenced by many factors, both internal and external to the company. This study aims to analyze whether intellectual capital moderates the effect of the debt-to-equity ratio and earnings per share on the market value of equity. A set of historical data was collected and analyzed based on a sample of 114 manufacturing companies listed on the Indonesia Stock Exchange from 2017 to 2019. This study uses moderated regression analysis to test proposed hypotheses and a robustness test to examine the sensitivity and consistency of the study results. The findings show that the debt to equity ratio affects the market value of equity, whilst earnings per share does not affect the market value of equity. The analysis also shows that intellectual capital could strengthen the effect of the debt to equity ratio on the market value of equity. In contrast, intellectual capital could not strengthen the effect of earnings per share on the market value of equity

Citation: Enni Savitri, Tatang Ary Gumanti, Almasdi Syahza and Nik Herda Nik Abdullah., (2021). The market value of equity of manufacturing companies during the COVID-19 pandemic. Investment Management and Financial Innovations, 18(4), 1-11.

Environmental Disparity Index (EDI): The New Measurement to Assess Indonesia Environmental Conditions for Supporting Sustainable Development

Fitri Hariyanti, Bekti Indasari, Almasdi Syahza, Zulkarnain, Nofrizal

Countries in the world including Indonesia agreed to continue development by carrying out the concept of Sustainable Development Goals. Many environmental problems that occur in Indonesia and the world are the result of activities carried out by companies and by households. These cause a development system that is needed not only to pay attention to economic and social aspects but also to environmental aspects. To know about the success of development in the environmental field, a disparity analysis is needed to be done by measuring the gap in environmental conditions between provinces in Indonesia using the Environmental Disparity Index. The impact of uneven development between Western Indonesia and Eastern Indonesia also affected the environmental conditions in the two regions. The environment of Eastern Indonesia was still better than Western Indonesia.

Citation: Hariyanti, F., Indasari, B.,  Syahza, A., Zulkarnain., Nofrizal., (2021). Environmental Disparity Index (EDI): The New Measurement to Assess Indonesia Environmental Conditions for Supporting Sustainable Development. Jordan Journal of Biological Sciences, Volume 14, Number 3. Available:

Uncontrolled Social Behaviour Impacts of Self-Management Scheme on Oil Palm Plantation Sustainability in Riau Province

Mohamad Zainuri, Yusni Ikhwan Siregar, Zulkarnain, Almasdi Syahza

The research aims at analysing uncontrolled social behaviour impact of self-management scheme on Oil Palm Plantation Sustainability in Riau Province, Indonesia. The method used in this research is a survey method. The research was carried out in Rokan Hulu, Kampar, and Siak Regency of Riau Province. A descriptive analysis was used to describe uncontrolled social behaviour. The findings also revealed that there was a correlation between uncontrolled social behaviour (economic and social behaviour) and the sustainability of the ecology of the oil palm plantations. The better the social behaviour, the better the ecological condition is. On the other hand, the worse the social behaviour, the worse the ecological condition is.

Citation: Zainuri M, Zulkarnain, Siregar Y, I, and Syahza A. (2021). Uncontrolled Social Behaviour Impacts of Self-Management Scheme on Oil Palm Plantation Sustainability in Riau Province. Review of International Geographical Education (RIGEO), 11(5), 3318-3328.

Restorasi ekologi lahan gambut berbasis kelompok masyarakat mandiri melalui revegetasi di Desa Tanjung Leban Kabupaten Bengkalis, Riau

Almasdi Syahza, Osamu Kozan, Sigit Sutikno, Mitri Irianti, Kei Mizuno, Michiko Hosobuchi

Restorasi ekologi lahan gambut bermuara pada kerusakan ekosistem lahan gambut yang disebabkan oleh aktivitas manusia baik disengaja maupun tidak. Akibat dari kerusakan tersebut menimbulkan berbagai macam masalah seperti kebakaran lahan. Di Desa Tanjung Leban merupakan salah satu desa dengan tingkat kebakaran cukup tinggi terutama pada tahun 2012, 2013, dan 2015. Banyak lahan bekas terbakar dibiarkan menjadi lahan tidur yang pada akhirnya menjadi areal yang rawan kebakaran karena kurangnya kontrol terhadap lahan tersebut. Menyikapi hal tersebut maka perlu dilakukan kegiatan restorasi ekologi lahan gambut di Desa Tanjung Leban melalui kegiatan revegetasi. Pelaksanaan kegiatan dengan motode pendampingan melalui fasilitator desa yang ditempatkan di Desa Tanjung Leban.

Citation: Syahza, A., O. Kozan., S. Sutikno., M. Irianti., K. Mizuno., M. Hosobuchi. (2021). Restorasi ekologi lahan gambut berbasis kelompok masyarakat mandiri melalui revegetasi di Desa Tanjung Leban Kabupaten Bengkalis, Riau. Riau Journal of Empowerment, 4(2), 69-81. 81

Development of Superior Plantation Commodities Based on Sustainable Development

Almasdi Syahza, Djaimi Bakce, Mitri Irianti, Brilliant Asmit, Besri Nasrul

Riau is an Indonesian province known for its large plantations. The plantation business makes the most significant contribution to the fiscal revenues of the province. This paper aims to innovate the rural economy through the sustainable development of superior commodities in the plantation sub-sector of agriculture. Specifically, multi-criteria analysis (MCA) was performed to determine the superior commodities in each locality. The results show that the superior commodities include palm oil, rubber, coconut, cocoa, coffee, and sago. The development of these commodities could boost farmers’ income with the added value of plantation products. On this basis, the fair use of land for all categories was highlighted from social, economic, and environmental perspectives, and recognized as essential to the development of sustainable plantations, which are integral to the rural economy and land sustainability. The proposed development strategy for superior commodities in plantations is in line with the sustainable development goals (SDGs) in Riau Province, Indonesia.

Citation: Syahza, A., Bakce, D., Irianti, M., Asmit, B., Nasrul, B., (2021). Development of Superior Plantation Commodities Based on Sustainable DevelopmentInternational Journal of Sustainable Development and PlanningVol 16, No. 4, pp. 683-692.