The Influence of Gardening Development On The Well -Being Of The Community In Rambah Hilir Kabupaten Rokan Hulu

Afrila,  Almasdi Syahza, Suarman

The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of plantation development on the welfare of people in rural areas of Rokan Hulu Regency. The results of the study show that there is influence of plantation development on the welfare of people in rural areas. The development of oil palm as a leading commodity in rural areas contributes to a multiplier effect on the surrounding economy.

Citation: Afrila, A., Syahza, A., Suarman, S., (2022). The Influence of Gardening Development On The Well -Being Of The Community In Rambah Hilir Kabupaten Rokan Hulu. Jurnal Ekonomi Pertanian dan Agribisnis (JEPA), Volume 6 Number 2, page 487-499.

Analysis of Nuclear-Plasma Partnership Pattern for Sustainable Oil Palm Plantation in Riau Province, Indonesia

Rino Afrino, Almasdi Syahza, Suwondo, Meyzi Heriyanto

The purpose of this study is to determine the existing conditions of the plasma nucleus partnership pattern implementation in the oil palm plantation industry and the factors affecting its development in Riau Province. The results showed that the existing conditions for implementation consisted of nucleus-plasma partnerships of companies (42.86%), cooperatives (28.57%), and smallholders (28.57%) who still have problems that need to be addressed immediately. this study has an urgency and contribution to relevant partnership patterns for sustainable oil palm plantations in Riau Province, where the nucleus-plasma partnership pattern by corporations is considered strategic because it can facilitate the transfer of knowledge and technology from palm oil industry players, so this study is an important recommendation to increase the productivity of smallholder oil palm plantations.

Citation: Afrino, R., Syahza, A., Suwondo, Heriyanto, M. (2023). Analysis of nuclear-plasma partnership pattern for sustainable oil palm plantation in Riau Province, Indonesia. International Journal of Sustainable Development and Planning, Vol. 18, No. 1, pp. 91-98.

Tourism Communication of Rupat Utara Island As A Tourism Destination With Local Wisdom Dimensions

Noor Efni Salam and Almasdi Syahza

As one of the strategic areas of national tourism, North Rupat Island has two potential tourism focuses developed, namely marine/nature tourism and cultural tourism. These two tourist focuses are not separate and even influence and support each other’s existence. This research further intends to formulate a tourism communication formula in North Rupat in the dimension of local wisdom with the following objectives.

Citation:  Salam, N.E.,  and Syahza, A., (2022). Tourism Communication of Rupat Utara Island As A Tourism Destination With Local Wisdom Dimensions. The 16th University Research Colloqium 2022, Universitas Muhammadiyah Pekajangan Pekalongan. Available: 

The Existence of Oil Palm Plantations and Challenges for the Riau Provincial Government

Geovani Meiwanda, Almasdi Syahza, Isnaniah

Palm oil is a commodity with considerable potential, in contributing to profits for Riau Province. Oil palm plantations that grow in Riau Province are owned by several companies and have grown into smallholder plantations. This means that the situation of Palm Oil Commodities in Riau Province is the primary supplier of economic value. On the other hand, Palm Oil Commodities that have grown for many years in Riau Province are in the Peatland area, which has a large potential for burning due to the character of land clearing which is mostly done by burning.

Citation: Meiwanda, G., Syahza, A., Isnaniah(2022). The Existence of Oil Palm Plantations and Challenges for the Riau Provincial Government, Ilomata International Journal of Social Science, 3(4), 399-408.

Community based ecotourism management to strengthen environmental ethics and supports sustainable development in Pelalawan district, Indonesia

NawariThamrinNofrizalAlmasdi SyahzaJuandi Muhammad, and Nur Islami

Pelalawan District has several natural attractiveness and indigenous knowledge potentially to be developed as ecotourism. The community-based ecotourism management (CBEM) by utilizing indigenous knowledge as a part of tourist attractions is one of the ways to improve environmental ethics and achieve sustainable development goals (SDGs).

Citation: Nawari., Thamrin., Nofrizal., Syahza, A., Muhammad, J., and Islami, N., (2022). Community-Based Ecotourism Management to Strengthen Environmental Ethics and Supports Sustainable Development In Pelalawan district, Indonesia. IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science. 1041(012036).


Sustainability Strategy for Industrial Plantation Forest Management in Riau Province, Indonesia

Indra Primahardani, Aras Mulyadi, Almasdi Syahza, Fajar Restuhadi

The results showed that the sustainable management of industrial plantation forests is an effort to accelerate national development from the ecological, economic, social, and institutional aspects. Strategies for empowering rural communities, strengthening village institutions, strengthening inter-institutional cooperation, and optimizing economic benefits are strategic steps in realizing sustainable management of industrial forest plantations. The proposed strategy for sustainable industrial plantation forest management is in line with the sustainable development goals (SDGs) in Riau Province, Indonesia.

Citation: Primahardani, I., Mulyadi, A., Syahza, A., Restuhadi, F. (2021). Sustainability strategy for industrial plantation forest management in Riau province, Indonesia. International Journal of Sustainable Development and Planning, Vol. 17, No. 2, pp. 399-411.