Enni Savitri dan Almasdi Syahza: The purpose of this study is to analyze the effect of human capital on financial performance, the effect of human capital on competitive strategies and the influence of competitive strategies on financial performance. The samples … Continue reading
Almasdi Syahza
Djaimi Bakce, Almasdi Syahza, Brilliant Asmit. Bagian dari Provinsi Riau terletak di Jalur Perdagangan Internasional Selat Malaka yang berdekatan dengan negara tetangga Malaysia, namun lokasi strategis tersebut belum dimanfaatkan secara optimal. Tujuan utama dari penelitian ini adalah untuk menemukan model dan strategi … Continue reading
Almasdi Syahza and Brilliant Asmit Plantation activities have increased the mobility of goods in the villages, causing plantation activities to also open business and employment opportunities for people who are able to accept these opportunities. Since post-1998 crisis, the growth of oil palm … Continue reading
By: Almasdi Syahza In Riau Province, the development of oil palm is quite rapid. This is reasonable for several reasons which include the following supporting factors: the geographical condition of the Riau region is very supportive; the high demand for palm oil … Continue reading
By: Almasdi Syahza, Djaimi Backe, Brilliant Asmit Natural rubber and its derivatives are believed to spur regional economic growth and be able to improve income distribution and poverty alleviation through employment. Institutional arrangement with the concept of natural rubber farming sustainability-based natural rubber (ABKA) provides two … Continue reading
Refniza Yanti; Almasdi Syahza; Achmad Hidir; Suwondo The purpose of this paper is to do an in-depth comprehension about local wisdom values related to the forest management in Nagari Koto Malintang, Tanjung Raya District, Agam Regency, West Sumatra Province, and to find a communication model in … Continue reading