Innovation for the Development of Environmentally Friendly Oil Palm Plantation in Indonesia

Almasdi Syahza, Robin, Suwondo, Michiko Hosobuchi

Oil palm is a very common commodity in rural communities of Sumatra and Kalimantan, Indonesia, and the farming activities in these areas create a high multiplier effect and increase welfare. However, the expansion of oil palm areas puts pressure on forests and resources. The research was carried out through a survey using the developmental research method. Efforts to implement sustainable development in the plantation sector need to be carried out to develop palm in the second cycle. One of the efforts is to implement agroforestry by planting forestry plants between oil palm trees, namely meranti trees (Shorea leprosula Miq). The model for the development of meranti is a monoculture palm plantation that is integrated with meranti trees. This has ecological, economic, and social benefits, following the basic concepts of environmental management. Planting copper meranti between palm trees has multiple benefits for the community, such as wood production. Planting copper meranti between oil palm trees has multiple benefits for the community, timber production as additional income for farmer families.

Citation: Syahza, A., Robin., Suwondo., Hosobuchi, M., (2021). Innovation for the Development of Environmentally Friendly Oil Palm Plantation in Indonesia. The 1st Journal of Environmental Science and Sustainable Development Symposium: IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science. Volume 716. Number 012014.

Is it true that educator certification guarantees professional teachers?

Mitri Irianti, Almasdi Syahza, and Suarman

The results showed, overall there was no difference in performance between certified teachers and uncertified teachers. This condition is seen in the component of the teacher’s pedagogical and professional abilities. Teachers who have been certified have not had an impact on improving their performance. The certified teachers should have a much better performance than non-certified teachers, however apparently not show the difference. In order that professional improvement training for certified teachers is needed.

Citation: Irianti, M., Syahza, A., Suarman., (2021). Is it true that educator certification guarantees professional teachers? Elementary Education Online. Volume 20 Number 1. Pages 1479-1489

Formulation of control strategy on the environmental impact potential as a result of the development of palm oil plantation

Almasdi Syahza and Mitri Irianti

Oil palm commodities are the most popular, especially in the Riau region. POM is not spread evenly but is concentrated in nucleus and plasma plantations. Independent smallholders with their scattered land located far from the existing POM. This condition causes the low quality of FFB to the mill due to the distance between the plantation and POM. The virtue of this research is to find an institutional arrangement strategy for oil palm agriculture to spur growth through the development of the downstream palm oil industry. The strategy is intended to create economic added value so that efforts to accelerate community economic development can be increased.

Citation: Syahza, A. and Irianti, M. (2021), “Formulation of control strategy on the environmental impact potential as a result of the development of palm oil plantation“, Journal of Science and Technology Policy Management, Volume 12 Number 1. Pages 106-116.

Development Strategy for Underdeveloped Areas in Efforts to Accelerate Rural Economic Development

Almasdi Syahza and Suarman

The implementation of development, especially in coastal areas of Riau Province, has not been able to improve the welfare of the people especially those living in rural areas. The disparity between rural and urban areas caused by bias and distortion of the development which more pro to the urban economy. It causes disadvantaged areas that poor and underdeveloped. The strategy of disadvantaged areas development in Regency of Kepulauan Meranti is the development of the agriculture sector based on agribusiness because most of its population are farmers and fishermen. In the effort to spur the development from economic and social aspects in disadvantaged areas, then the program of rural development should prioritize the three main aspects, those are 1) Improvement of People’s Economy (Eradicate Poverty); 2) Improving the Quality of Human Resources (Alleviation of Ignorance); 3) Infrastructure Development.

Citation: Syahza, A., Suarman., (2013). Strategi Pengembangan Daerah Tertinggal Dalam Upaya Percepatan Pembangunan Ekonomi Pedesaan. Jurnal Ekonomi Pembangunan, Volume 14 Nomor 1, hlm. 126-139.

Opportunities and Prospect for Tourism Development on Rupat Island, Indonesia

Brilliant Asmit, Almasdi Syahza, Mahdum, RM Riadi

The district of North Rupat in Bengkalis Regency, Indonesia, has special characteristics both in terms of its geography and socioeconomics. The Bengkalis Regency has a very strategic position in international trade in terms of its location and access, which can also provide good prospects for tourism development. This study aims to analyze the development of leading tourist areas to accelerate the economic empowerment of the local communities in the North Rupat district. This research used descriptive analysis, SWOT, and multiplier effects to explain the conditions, opportunities, and impacts of tourism development. The result showed that the North Rupat District has potential objects such as three natural tourism, 1 historical tourism, 3 culture tourism, and 3 culinary tourism. The strategy to develop tourism should involve plans to increase the number of tourists, supporting facilities, and income. Tourism development looks promising because the results of the multiplier effect analysis of the direct and indirect factors show a significant impact on tourism income. This study concluded that marine tourism in North Rupat District has a potential for development because it is an archipelago that has a beach with clean sand and many coastal areas. Tourists visiting the North Rupat District thus contribute to the income of the local community.

Citation: Asmit, B., Syahza, A ., Mahdum, Riadi, RM., (2020). Opportunities and Prospect for Tourism Development on Rupat Island, Indonesia. Folia Geographica, Volume 62 Nomer 2, pages 133-148.

Utilization of Peatlands Based on Local Wisdom and Community Welfare in Riau Province, Indonesia

Almasdi Syahza, Suwondo, Djaimi Bakce, Besri Nasrul, Riyadi Mustofa

The majority of regions in Riau Province are coastal areas and many communities live on land that is dominated by peat. Peat ecosystems have unique characteristics, as they are classified as wetland areas, while also possessing regions of terrestrial land. Poor maintenance of these ecosystems can cause a variety of issues such as forest fires, drought, flooding, biodiversity loss, increasing emissions, climate change, and social community changes. The purpose of this paper is to formulate a model of peatland utilization based on local wisdom and community welfare, in an effort to support the sustainable management of peat ecosystems in Riau Province. The main commodities of the coastal community are agriculture, coconut, rubber, oil palm, sago, coffee, cocoa, areca nut. Therefore, an understanding of the use of peatlands is needed. This is to prevent damage to the peatland ecosystem, maintain biodiversity, store carbon, produce oxygen, and manage water. Policies and strategies for managing the peat ecosystem are carried out through the development of socio-economic and community culture to realize people’s welfare based on local wisdom. The management and use of peatlands have contributed to the economy, even as the main source of livelihood for coastal communities. Utilization of peatlands based on local wisdom can maintain a sustainable peat ecosystem.

Citation: Syahza, A ., Suwondo., Bakce, D., Nasrul, B., Mustofa, R., (2020).  Utilization of Peatlands Based on Local Wisdom and Community Welfare in Riau Province, IndonesiaInternational Journal of Sustainable Development and Planning. Vol. 15, No. 7, pages. 1119-1126.