How supply chain moderates the relationship of entrepreneurial orientation, adaptability strategy and government interference with performance?

Enni Savitri, Nik Herda Nik Abdullah, Jamaliah Said, Almasdi Syahza, Musfialdy

The small and medium business sector plays an important role in strengthening the structure of the national economy. This sector is essentially related to the economic life of most Indonesian people. Past studies indicate that the quality of small and medium enterprises in Indonesia facing difficulties to extend their businesses due to several internal problems such as lack of human resources entrepreneurial skill, technology, management, and information. As such, based on the Resource-Based View theory, this study aims to analyze the effect of adaptability strategy, entrepreneurial orientation, and the government policy on the performance of selected small and medium enterprises. Information sharing wide supply chain management significantly and positively inserts moderating effect among the relationship between government policy, adaptability strategy, entrepreneurial orientation, and performance. Based on interviews and questionnaires distributed to 49 small and medium enterprises, this study found adaptability strategy, entrepreneurial orientation, and the government policy affects business performance. This study enriches the current literature by providing contributions and insights to understanding how Resource-Based View theory will affect the business performance of small and medium enterprises in Indonesia.

Citation: Savitri, E., Abdullah, N. H. N., Said, J., Syahza, A., Musfialdy., (2020). How supply chain moderates the relationship of entrepreneurial orientation, adaptability strategy and government interference with performance? International Journal of Supply Chain Management, Vol. 9, No. 4, Pages 355 – 362.

The Implementation of Proper in the Environmental Management at the Area of PT RAPP Pangkalan Kerinci, Riau, Indonesia

Sofia Achnes, Isyandi, Almasdi Syahza, Ahmad Hidir

This study was aimed to analyze the implementation of Proper as part of environmental management conducted by PT. RAPP. Proper is a program created by the Ministry of Environment to assess the company’s performance rating in environmental management. This research is using a mixed method by combining quantitative and qualitative methods, supported by assessment techniques in the form of an interview, observation, and document analysis. The document analysis is done related to the proper program and CSR in the previous year. Document analysis is used to lead interview questions and as synchronizing tools between informants’ answers and existing company’s data. PT RAPP in accordance with Government Regulation No. 24 year of 2009 was located in an industrial area of Kampar Industrial Estate (KIK). PT RAPP has succeeded in achieving the green category (green certificate) which is an award given to the person responsible for environmental management more than required in the regulation (beyond compliance) through the management of the environmental system and utilization of 4R resources (Reduce, Reuse, Recycle, Recovery). However, in recently Proper rating’s of PT. RAPP was at the blue level, or in other words, the realization of the achievement level of the ranking has not been optimal. Environmental management system on the proper implementation in overcoming environmental pollution in PT. RAPP and the supporting and inhibiting factors in the proper implementation of PT. RAPP.

Citation: Achnes, S., Isyandi, Syahza, A., Hidir, A. (2020). The implementation of proper in the environmental management at the area of PT. Rapp pangkalan kerinci, pelalawan regency, Riau, Indonesia. Journal of Critical Reviews, Volume 7, Issue 13, Pages 817-823. 

Analysis of Plantation Management Achievement Based on Sustainable Development

Wiwik Widiati; Aras Mulyadi; Almasdi Syahza; Mubarak 

The objective of this study is to analyze sustainability achievement level of palm oil plantation management based on integration principle and criteria of ISPO and RSPO. The sustainable development on palm oil are presented through 5-dimensional these are legality of plantation business, management of plantation, management and monitoring of environment, responsibility towards workers and social responsibility and community empowerment. This study was conducted in 5 estates and 3 palm oil mill of state own company in Riau Province. The study was conducted through audit method using checklist of plantation management on sustainable development standard. Results of descriptive analysis showed that the implementation standards based on sustainable development dimensions of palm oil showed achievement level of 82.43%. This achievement became a baseline for management to improve their performance which was focused on the attributes in each dimension. This study is relevant to be implemented on similar industries, due to the checklist instrument is easily adopted for assessing the plantation management achievements based on sustainable development standard.

Citation: Widiati, W., Mulyadi, A., Syahza,A., Mubarak,M., (2020),  Analysis of Plantation Management Achievement Based on Sustainable Development, International Journal of Sustainable Development and Planning, Volume 15, Nomer 4, Pages 575-584.

Development of palm oil sector and future challenge in Riau Province, Indonesia

Almasdi Syahza, Brilliant Asmit

The development of palm oil plantations results in land conversion, posing potential erosion. In anticipating environmental damage, the Government of Indonesia imposes the Indonesian Sustainable Palm Oil (ISPO) policy. The results of the ISPO policy show that Indonesian crude palm oil products are environmentally friendly. This research is one of few studies that investigate the development of the palm oil sector and future challenge in Riau Province, Indonesia. Riau Province still needs 13 units of palm oil mills with a capacity of 60 tons per hour. Find strategies to regulate palm oil farming institutions and derivative products to enhance growth and economic development in the region and find production centers and development areas for palm oil local industries in potential regions.

Citation: Syahza, A. and Asmit, B. (2019), “Development of palm oil sector and future challenge in Riau Province, Indonesia”, Journal of Science and Technology Policy Management, Volume 11, Issue 2, pp. 149-170.

The Development of Market Place Activity Models in Social Sciences Subjects

Tika Susanti, Almasdi Syahza, Suarman

The learning model is very important in the teaching and learning process. The use of the proper model will arouse students’ enthusiasm and interest in learning. However, the learning model still has weaknesses that affect students’ cognitive development, hence it is necessary to develop the learning model. The purpose of this research is to develop a market place activity learning model by using a 4-D model consisting of define, design, development in social science subjects at SMP IT Syahruddiniyah Kampar Kiri Hilir. The respondents were 48 students from class VIIIa and VIIId. Based on data presentation and data analysis, the development of the model carried out is valid. The results value obtained from the aspect of model development 81%, the aspect of model effectiveness 98%, and the aspects of model efficiency 90%.

Citation: Susanti, T., Syahza, A., and Suarman. (2020). The Development of Market Place Activity Models in Social Sciences Subjects. Journal of Educational Sciences, Vol 4, No 2, pp 426-435.


Application of Weather Modification Technology for Peatlands Fires Mitigation in Riau, Indonesia

Sigit Sutikno; Ilvi Rahmi Amalia; Ari Sandhyavitri; Almasdi Syahza; Heru Widodo; and Tri Handoko Seto

This paper presents the application of weather modification technology (WMT) for mitigation of peatlands fire in Riau Province, Indonesia. The application of WMT has been conducted to reduce the fire disaster risks which were very rare to be implemented in the world. The province of Riau which is about 56% covered with peatlands, is very vulnerable against haze disasters caused by peatlands fires. Peatlands are fragile ecosystems formed over thousands of years by the accumulation of dense wet plant material. When drained or cleared by fire for commercial plantations, such as for palm oil or pulpwood, the carbon is released into the atmosphere. In 2013-2015, Indonesia experienced its most serious fires in some years, worsened by dry weather caused by an El Nino phenomenon, and cloaked large stretches of Southeast Asia in choking smog for mounts. The history proved that the peatlands fires only can be stopped completely by rainfall. On the other hand, the peatland fires usually occur in the dry season that rainfall is very rare. The technology of artificial precipitation has an important role to solve this kind of natural disaster. The aim of this research is to study the impact of the application of the WMT on increasing precipitation for mitigation of peatlands fire in Riau Province. The analysis was focused on the Kepulauan Meranti and Siak Regency which are very severe peatland fire in 2014, 2015, and 2016. This research found that the application of weather modification technology could increase precipitation occurrence and significantly reduce peatland fire in Riau. The increasing rainfall value (PCH) in Kepulauan Meranti Regency was 1.019, 1.08, 0.68, and 1.649 during the four times WMT application from 2014 to 2016. However, the PCH value in Siak Regency during the four times WMT application in 2014 to 2016 was 1.127, 0.7, 0.66, and 1.88.

Citation:  Sutikno, S., Amalia, I. R., Sandhyavitri, A., Syahza, A., Widodo, H., Seto. T. H. (2020). Application of Weather Modification Technology for Peatlands Fires Mitigation in Riau, Indonesia, AIP Conference Proceedings, Volume  2227, No 030007, page 1-9.