Economic transformation based on Leading Commodities through sustainable development of the oil palm industry

Fitri Hariyanti, Almasdi Syahza*, Zulkarnain, Nofrizal

The oil palm industry is a strategic and leading sector of agriculture that is developing in Indonesia. Riau is a province in this country that has quite large natural resources in the plantation with the largest contribution being oil palm. Overall, the methodology is well-structured and comprehensive, enabling a thorough examination of the industry’s sustainability and development. The research results indicate that the oil palm manufacturing industry is a leading sector and has been categorized as sufficiently sustainable based on different perspectives. Through an optimistic scenario, the government must make efforts and total support to improve the important factors that influence the development of the palm oil processing industry in a sustainable manner, including the community empowerment program, future palm oil prospects, and implementation of environmental management.

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Citation: Hariyanti, F., Syahza, A., Zulkarnain, Z., Nofrizal, N., (2024). Economic transformation based on leading commodities through sustainable development of the oil palm industry. Heliyon, Volume 10, Issue 4, e25674.