Analysis of Nuclear-Plasma Partnership Pattern for Sustainable Oil Palm Plantation in Riau Province, Indonesia

Rino Afrino, Almasdi Syahza, Suwondo, Meyzi Heriyanto

The purpose of this study is to determine the existing conditions of the plasma nucleus partnership pattern implementation in the oil palm plantation industry and the factors affecting its development in Riau Province. The results showed that the existing conditions for implementation consisted of nucleus-plasma partnerships of companies (42.86%), cooperatives (28.57%), and smallholders (28.57%) who still have problems that need to be addressed immediately. this study has an urgency and contribution to relevant partnership patterns for sustainable oil palm plantations in Riau Province, where the nucleus-plasma partnership pattern by corporations is considered strategic because it can facilitate the transfer of knowledge and technology from palm oil industry players, so this study is an important recommendation to increase the productivity of smallholder oil palm plantations.

Citation: Afrino, R., Syahza, A., Suwondo, Heriyanto, M. (2023). Analysis of nuclear-plasma partnership pattern for sustainable oil palm plantation in Riau Province, Indonesia. International Journal of Sustainable Development and Planning, Vol. 18, No. 1, pp. 91-98.