Tourism Communication of Rupat Utara Island As A Tourism Destination With Local Wisdom Dimensions

Noor Efni Salam and Almasdi Syahza

As one of the strategic areas of national tourism, North Rupat Island has two potential tourism focuses developed, namely marine/nature tourism and cultural tourism. These two tourist focuses are not separate and even influence and support each other’s existence. This research further intends to formulate a tourism communication formula in North Rupat in the dimension of local wisdom with the following objectives.

Citation:  Salam, N.E.,  and Syahza, A., (2022). Tourism Communication of Rupat Utara Island As A Tourism Destination With Local Wisdom Dimensions. The 16th University Research Colloqium 2022, Universitas Muhammadiyah Pekajangan Pekalongan. Available: