Economic transformation based on Leading Commodities through sustainable development of the oil palm industry

Fitri Hariyanti, Almasdi Syahza*, Zulkarnain, Nofrizal

The oil palm industry is a strategic and leading sector of agriculture that is developing in Indonesia. Riau is a province in this country that has quite large natural resources in the plantation with the largest contribution being oil palm. Overall, the methodology is well-structured and comprehensive, enabling a thorough examination of the industry’s sustainability and development. The research results indicate that the oil palm manufacturing industry is a leading sector and has been categorized as sufficiently sustainable based on different perspectives. Through an optimistic scenario, the government must make efforts and total support to improve the important factors that influence the development of the palm oil processing industry in a sustainable manner, including the community empowerment program, future palm oil prospects, and implementation of environmental management.

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Citation: Hariyanti, F., Syahza, A., Zulkarnain, Z., Nofrizal, N., (2024). Economic transformation based on leading commodities through sustainable development of the oil palm industry. Heliyon, Volume 10, Issue 4, e25674.

The Effect of Financial Technology, Innovation, Business Strategy, and Market Orientation on Business Performance among Indonesian SMEs: A Study in Riau Province

Enni Savitri, Nik Herda Nik Abdullah, Andreas, Volta Diyanto, Almasdi Syahza

The pandemic’s negative impact on SMEs’ performance has been particularly felt as a result of changes in consumer behavior. Therefore, strategic actions are required to accelerate the growth of SMEs in the post-pandemic era. SME owner-managers use financial technology to make new breakthroughs through innovation, implement more diverse business strategies, and improve market orientation. The findings suggest that long-term digital technology development strategies are required as a platform for SMEs to grow.

Citation: Enni Savitri., Nik Herda Nik Abdullah., Andreas, Volta Diyanto., Almasdi Syahza., (2023). The Effect of Financial Technology, Innovation, Business Strategy, and Market Orientation on Business Performance among Indonesian SMEs: A Study in Riau Province. Jurnal Pengurusan, 68(2023).

The influence of community economic development and peat area governance on Society 5.0

Mayarni, Almasdi Syahza, Sofyan H. Siregar, Amrul Khoiri, Eka Hariyani, Mimin Sundari Nasution, and Andri Sulistyani

This study aims to determine the form of institutional governance of smallholder agriculture in peat areas and determine the truth of the influence of community economic management and development indicators on Society 5.0, which results from empirical studies in the field. The results of the study describe the first finding that existing forms of institutional governance are going well but are still passive. This is caused by constraints on knowledge of horticultural plant management in peat areas, nutrient utilization processes, sustainable farming group management techniques in terms of government regulations, and empowerment of surrounding companies through CSR. Furthermore, it was found that management variables and community economic development had a positive influence on Society 5.0. From this study, it formulated recommendations from the synergy between economic development and management of peat areas to socio-economic and environmental impacts that must be considered by interested stakeholders. Maximizing function technology in making it easy to manage horticulture plants in peat areas as a form of Society 5.0 to minimize behind.

Citation: Mayarni, M., Syahza, A., Siregar, S.H., et al. (2023). The Influence of Community Economic Development and Peat Area Governance on Society 5.0. Journal of Infrastructure, Policy and Development 7(2): 1843.

Green innovation adoption of SMEs in Indonesia: what factors determine it?

Henny Indrawati, Caska, Neni Hermita, Sumarno, and Almasdi Syahza

This study aims to examine the factors influencing the adoption of green innovation among SMEs in Indonesia. There are three categories of factors influencing SMEs to adopt green innovations: technological, environmental, and organizational. Of these factors, organizational factors emerge as the primary determinant of green innovation adoption among SMEs in the country. This study provides a deeper understanding of the specific dimensions of organizational factors that play a crucial role in driving green innovation adoption, especially within the context of SMEs in the food sector in Indonesia

Citation: Indrawati, H.Caska, C.Hermita, N.Sumarno, S. and Syahza, A. (2023), “Green Innovation Adoption of SMEs in Indonesia: What Factors Determine it?”, International Journal of Innovation Science, Vol. ahead-of-print No. ahead-of-print.

Carbon Economic Valuation of Pole Trees and Trees in the Ghimbo Pomuan Indigenous Forest, Kampar Regency, Riau Province

Ambar Tri Ratningsih, Siti Aisyah, Trisla Warningsih, Zulfan Saam, Zulkarnaini, Almasdi Syahza

Ghimbo Pomuan Indigenous Forest is one of the customary forests in the Riau Province. The existence of Ghimbo Pomuan Indigenous Forest is crucial for the surrounding communities as this forest serves as a watershed area for clean water sources and maintains ecological balance. One of its significant roles is its ability to absorb CO2 to reduce greenhouse gas emissions. The Ghimbo Pomuan Indigenous Forest has a standing biomass of 16,262.896 Mg and a carbon stock of 8,130.976 Mg. The economic value of carbon in the Ghimbo Pomuan Indigenous Forest, located in Kampa Village, Kampar Subdistrict, Kampar Regency, Riau Province, amounts to IDR 2,593,778,502 (free market) and IDR 6,778,407,818.56 (Clean Development Mechanism). Furthermore, it has the capacity to absorb 29,813.546 Mg of CO2 from the atmosphere.

Citation: Ratningsih, A.T., Aisyah, S., Warningsih, T., Saam, Z., Zulkarnaini, Z., Syahza, A., (2023). Carbon Economic Valuation of Pole Trees and Trees in the Ghimbo Pomuan Indigenous Forest, Kampar Regency, Riau Province. Wahana Forestra: Jurnal Kehutanan, Vol 18, No 2. Pages 71-83.

Model Edukasi Masyarakat dalam Upaya Pencegahan Kebakaran Lahan Gambut di Kecamatan Pujud Kabupaten Rokan Hilir

Sri Astuti, Almasdi Syahza, Suarman

Factors that cause peatland fires are caused by 2 factors, namely intentional factors and accidental factors. For intentional factors caused by the farming system with the traditional culture of the local population, the cost of burning peat land is cheaper, faster, and more practical, land ownership conflicts, and increased demand for palm oil. Accidental factors are caused by throwing cigarette butts carelessly, making bonfires, and burning debris, and garbage so that it spreads to peatlands. The public education model in efforts to prevent peatland fires is divided into 2 approaches. First, an educational model with an individual approach through direct and indirect communication, technical guidance, and face-to-face services to the public. Second, an educational model with a mass approach through socialization and campaigns, discussion rooms, and social media containing educational content on peatland fire prevention, peatland restoration actions, and a formal education curriculum with local content on peatland fire disaster mitigation.

Citation: Astuti, S., Syahza, A., Suarman., (2023). Model Edukasi Masyarakat dalam Upaya Pencegahan Kebakaran Lahan Gambut di Kecamatan Pujud Kabupaten Rokan Hilir. SOROT: Jurnal Ilmu-ilmu Sosial. Volume 17 Nomor 2, page 1-17.