Azriyenni Azhari Zakri, Almasdi Syahza, Dirman Hanafi, Hanggun Syahadad In order to make the charging process of the battery easier, it needs to possess a design tool with suitable characteristics. One of the main characteristics of the battery is the … Continue reading
Almasdi Syahza
Almasdi Syahza, Djaimi Bakce, Mitri Irianti, Brilliant Asmit Background and Objective: Most of the Riau Province in Indonesia is part of the community lives on peatlands. The development of plantations has caused income inequality between regions and farmers. The research … Continue reading
Enni Savitri, Andreas, Almasdi Syahza, Tatang Ary Gumanti, Nik Herda Nik Abdullah The mechanism of good corporate governance is used to prevent the management of the company from engaging in unethical actions, such as earnings management. It can be an effective … Continue reading
Mitri Irianti, Besri Nasrul, Almasdi Syahza Background and Objective: The rapid development of agriculture and settlements has led to several land conversion, and one of such affected locations is upstream of the Siak watershed in Riau Province, Indonesia. Land degradation … Continue reading
Enni Savitri, Nik Herda Nik Abdullah, Jamaliah Said, Almasdi Syahza, Musfialdy The small and medium business sector plays an important role in strengthening the structure of the national economy. This sector is essentially related to the economic life of most … Continue reading
Sofia Achnes, Isyandi, Almasdi Syahza, Ahmad Hidir This study was aimed to analyze the implementation of Proper as part of environmental management conducted by PT. RAPP. Proper is a program created by the Ministry of Environment to assess the company’s … Continue reading