Almasdi Syahza, Dahlan Tampubolon, Brilliant Asmit, Mitri Irianti Communities in coastal areas, especially the peatlands, feel neglected by unfair policies. This study aims to obtain information about the problems and obstacles to poverty alleviation for coastal communities through a cross-sectoral … Continue reading
Almasdi Syahza
Mimin Sundari Nasution, Zaili Rusli, Meyzi Heriyanto, Almasdi Syahza, Zulkarnaini, Mayarni, Dadang Mashur, Fajriani Ananda, Masrul Ikhsan This article provides a bibliometric study of rural economic growth, focusing on sustainable agriculture meetings, digital technologies, and community participation as important drivers … Continue reading
Yetti Elfina, Sukendi Sukendi, Efriyeldi Efriyeldi, Agus Sutikno and Almasdi Syahza This study aims to examine and improve the potential of mangrove forests in Teluk Pambang and Selat Baru, Bengkalis Indonesia. Teluk Pambang has and offers a wealth of flora and fauna, while Selat Baru has beautiful beaches and delicious … Continue reading
Adrian Novendra, Almasdi Syahza, Ando Fahda Aulia The Bukit Rimbang Bukit Baling Wildlife Reserve has unique species and diverse animals whose populations and habitats must be protected. The location of the reserve also serves as a source of water for … Continue reading
Almasdi Syahza, Sri Astuti, Suarman, Brilliant Asmit Intentional and unintentional factors cause the occurrence of fires in peatlands. Intentional factors come from traditional agricultural practices, the low cost of burning peat land, land ownership conflicts, and increasing demand for agricultural … Continue reading
Rino Afrino, Almasdi Syahza, Suwondo Suwondo, Meyzi Heriyanto Findings: The results indicate that the core–plasma partnership pattern implemented by companies needs to be considered a relevant model for partnerships in the Indonesian palm oil industry. Social networks play a role in implementing this partnership pattern, which is … Continue reading