Model of partnership in sustainable palm oil: efforts to increase partnerships in the palm oil business in Indonesia

Rino AfrinoAlmasdi SyahzaSuwondo SuwondoMeyzi Heriyanto

Findings: The results indicate that the core–plasma partnership pattern implemented by companies needs to be considered a relevant model for partnerships in the Indonesian palm oil industry. Social networks play a role in implementing this partnership pattern, which is influenced by the diversity of the actors involved. However, complexity arises from the dynamics of power and position among these actors, which demands increased interaction and mutual trust. Therefore, various dimensions must be considered, including plantation management, product marketing, cultivation techniques and sustainable development.

Originality: This study provides an important theoretical implementation: a more humane approach through a partnership model that adds value and is based on aspects of morality in implementing partnerships in the palm oil plantation sector. It also provides new and substantial insights regarding practical implementation for policymakers and practitioners who want to improve partnership practices in sustainable palm oil businesses by implementing value-added and morality-based partnership models in Indonesia as well as other developing countries.

Citation: Afrino, R.Syahza, A.Suwondo, S. and Heriyanto, M. (2024), “Model of partnership in sustainable palm oil: efforts to increase partnerships in the palm oil business in Indonesia”, Journal of Science and Technology Policy Management, Vol. ahead-of-print No. ahead-of-print.

Pengembangan Usaha Kecil Berbasis Potensi Lokal: Studi Kasus di Kabupaten Kepulauan Meranti

Wilis Gustia, Almasdi Syahza, Brilliant Asmit

This research explores the development of the Berkah Sago Noodles business and the implementation of the 4P marketing mix (product, price, place, promotion). The research findings show the strategy used to develop the Mie Sago Berkah business through the marketing mix: Product strategy involves improving product quality and using packaging that attracts consumer attention. Pricing strategy involves matching prices to competitors and product quality. Place strategy focuses on expanding distribution channels. The promotional strategy emphasizes the importance of maintaining good customer relationships and promoting through social media.

Citation: Gustia, W., Syahza, A., Asmit, B., (2024). Pengembangan Usaha Kecil Berbasis Potensi Lokal: Studi Kasus di Kabupaten Kepulauan Meranti. JIIP (Jurnal Ilmiah Ilmu Pendidikan), Volume 7, Nomor 7, Pages 6469-6474. 

Land tenure conflicts in forest areas: obstacles to rejuvenation of small-scale oil palm plantations in Indonesia

Riyadi Mustofa, Almasdi Syahza*, Gulat Mendali Emas Manurung, Besri Nasrul, Rino Afrino, Eko Jaya Siallagan

We introduce a conflict-resolution model for small-scale smallholder oil palm plantations, resolving the problems of forest area claims that are not accommodated in the Indonesian Job Creation law. Land conflict resolution is categorized into five typologies: 1) oil palm plantations with business permits; 2) those without a forestry permit and being subject to administrative sanctions; 3) business activities in forest areas that do not have permits in the forestry sector; 4) resolving non-conformities in the progress of land and/or management rights that have been controlled and used in forest areas before being designated by removing land parcels through changes in forest area boundaries; 5) the settlement for farmers who do not have cultivation registration certificates but whose plantations have been established and whose land tenure can be proven.

*Coresponding Author:

Citation: Mustofa, R.Syahza, A.Manurung, G.M.E.Nasrul, B.Afrino, R. and Siallagan, E.J. (2024), “Land tenure conflicts in forest areas: obstacles to rejuvenation of small-scale oil palm plantations in Indonesia”, International Journal of Law and Management, Vol. ahead-of-print No. ahead-of-print.

Direct public engagement of the disaster management agency in Meranti Islands Regency in responding to peatland disasters

Geovani MeiwandaAlmasdi Syahza ,and Masrul Ikhsan

Disaster studies are interesting studies that will always require dynamic changes, but local governments must be able to provide good policies. With system replication, disasters are downstream but must be accompanied by upstream problems which become the basis for being resolved early. The regional government replicated the application-based satellite system public service innovation to detect disaster points, with the hope of being more responsive so that it can respond earlier to disasters in Meranti Islands Regency. The Regional Disaster Management Agency (BPBD) of Meranti Islands Regency realizes that geographically it is difficult to reach disaster points in this region because this district consists of several islands and access to reach these areas takes quite a long time.

Citation: Meiwanda, G., Syahza, A., and Ikhsan, M., (2024). Direct public engagement of the disaster management agency in Meranti Islands Regency in responding to peatland disasters. E3S Web of Conferences, Vol 506, No 05007.

Implementation Model of Integrated Pineapple Agricultural Area Development Program in Bukit Batu District, Bengkalis Regency, Riau Province

Mimin Sundari Nasution, Mayarni, Almasdi Syahza, Sofyan H. Siregar, Amrul Khoiri, Andri Sulityani, Eka Hariyani

Sustainable use of peatlands is a solution to prevent land fires. Pineapple farming is one form of land use in an effort to improve the economy of communities on peatlands. Based on the research results, it shows that the suitability of implementing the Integrated Pineapple Agricultural Area Development Program has been able to improve the economy of peatland communities. Carrying out the program to its full potential provides benefit value in the form of preventing potential fires in peatlands, on the other hand, it is able to provide education to the community about clearing land without burning.

Citation: Nasution, M.S., Mayarni, M., Syahza, A., Siregar, S.H., Khoiri, A., Sulityani, A., Hariyani., (2024). Implementation Model of Integrated Pineapple Agricultural Area Development Program in Bukit Batu District, Bengkalis Regency, Riau Province. AIP Conference Proceedings, Vol 2961, 040005.

Economic transformation based on Leading Commodities through sustainable development of the oil palm industry

Fitri Hariyanti, Almasdi Syahza*, Zulkarnain, Nofrizal

The oil palm industry is a strategic and leading sector of agriculture that is developing in Indonesia. Riau is a province in this country that has quite large natural resources in the plantation with the largest contribution being oil palm. Overall, the methodology is well-structured and comprehensive, enabling a thorough examination of the industry’s sustainability and development. The research results indicate that the oil palm manufacturing industry is a leading sector and has been categorized as sufficiently sustainable based on different perspectives. Through an optimistic scenario, the government must make efforts and total support to improve the important factors that influence the development of the palm oil processing industry in a sustainable manner, including the community empowerment program, future palm oil prospects, and implementation of environmental management.

*Coresponding Author:

Citation: Hariyanti, F., Syahza, A., Zulkarnain, Z., Nofrizal, N., (2024). Economic transformation based on leading commodities through sustainable development of the oil palm industry. Heliyon, Volume 10, Issue 4, e25674.