Food Carrying Capacity as an Indicator of Sustainability of Smallholder Oil Palm Plantations in Riau Province

Riyadi Mustofa, Hapsoh, Almasdi Syahza, and Suwondo

The results indicate that smallholder oil palm plantations are able to produce food of 199,979 kg/ha/year originating from the potential food carrying capacity of 198,865 kg/ha/year and the actual 1,114 kg/ha/year. The food requirement of 73,916 kg/ha/year comes from the potential food need of 73,298 kg/ha/year and the actual food need of 618 kg/ha/year. Oil palm plantations have a surplus food carrying capacity of 126,063 kg/ha/yr originating from potential food of 125,567 kg/ha/yr and actual food of 496 kg/ha/yr

Citation: Riyadi Mustofa, Hapsoh, Almasdi Syahza, and Suwondo. (2021). Food Carrying Capacity as an Indicator of Sustainability of Smallholder Oil Palm Plantations in Riau Province. Review of International Geographical Education (RIGEO), 11(8), 111-121.