Analysis of Plantation Management Achievement Based on Sustainable Development

Wiwik Widiati; Aras Mulyadi; Almasdi Syahza; Mubarak 

The objective of this study is to analyze sustainability achievement level of palm oil plantation management based on integration principle and criteria of ISPO and RSPO. The sustainable development on palm oil are presented through 5-dimensional these are legality of plantation business, management of plantation, management and monitoring of environment, responsibility towards workers and social responsibility and community empowerment. This study was conducted in 5 estates and 3 palm oil mill of state own company in Riau Province. The study was conducted through audit method using checklist of plantation management on sustainable development standard. Results of descriptive analysis showed that the implementation standards based on sustainable development dimensions of palm oil showed achievement level of 82.43%. This achievement became a baseline for management to improve their performance which was focused on the attributes in each dimension. This study is relevant to be implemented on similar industries, due to the checklist instrument is easily adopted for assessing the plantation management achievements based on sustainable development standard.

Citation: Widiati, W., Mulyadi, A., Syahza,A., Mubarak,M., (2020),  Analysis of Plantation Management Achievement Based on Sustainable Development, International Journal of Sustainable Development and Planning, Volume 15, Nomer 4, Pages 575-584.