Strengthening Riau Province’s Oil Palm Policy Based on Strengthening Local Institutions in Riau Province Bengkalis

Almasdi Syahza, Geovani Meiwanda, Dahlan Tampubolon Improving sustainable management of oil palm plantations, providing legal certainty, maintaining and protecting environmental sustainability, including reducing greenhouse gas emissions, and increasing the development of oil palm farmers as well as the productivity of … Continue reading

Pengembangan ternak Ruminansia terintegrasi di Desa Koto Simandolak Kabupaten Kuantan Singingi: Pemanfaatan kotoran ternak untuk biogas dan pupuk organik

Djaimi Backe, Aras Mulyadi, Almasdi Syahza, Zulfan Saam, Adiwirman, Evy Rossi The Research and Community Services Team of Universitas Riau saw the potential for utilizing livestock manure waste in Koto Simandolak Village. The Team conducts training and assistance in the installation … Continue reading